Bonjour fashion addicts!
My name is Angie. Fashion has been a part of me at a very young age. I live, breath, and dream fashion. I believe everyone can be fashionable regardless of where they come from. My mind is constantly going on about ideas for clothing and possible outfits that would be amazing. I'm in the process of sketching for a possible clothing collection I plan to begin in the near future. Every girls dream right? Don't get me wrong if you see me walking in the mall or walking to class I'll most likely be wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I'm a Bay Area girl, that's how I was raised, what else are you supposed to wear to the beach? That doesn't mean I don't dress up because I do, but only for special occasions or depending on my mood.
If a celebrity could help you better understand my sense of style, it would have to be Megan Fox. Okay I admit, I'm a total Megan Fox fan, I have all her magazines where she appears on the cover. She's exactly how I am, laid back, if you see her grabbing coffee or doing her nails, she's in jeans and a print shirt, so simple yet so her. I've managed to scoop some of her looks , her dress she wore on David Letterman and a body suit she wore on Rolling Stone Magazine. Comes to show not only a celebrity can wear amazing clothing.
Join me in this journey through past and present fashion, to show just how anyone can wear anything, it's just a matter of having the knowledge of putting an outfit together.
Au Revoir,

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